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The University of Ioannina takes measures against the spread of Covid-19 and actions
on how to handle suspected or confirmed cases of the virus.
The Rector’s Council, taking into consideration the No. 115744/Ζ1/04-09-2020 Ministerial Decision “Function of the HEI and measures against the spread of the virus” (GG B 3707) and the report of the National Committee for the Protection of Public Health for the enactment of covid-19 protocol, unanimously decided in its sitting No. 1623/30-09-2020 the following:
1. Appointed members for the Covid-19 University Committee for the academic year 2020-2021:
- Triantafyllos Almpanis, Rector
- Minas Paschopoulos, Vice-Rector for Administrative Affairs, Academic Affairs and Student Welfare
- Spyros Georgatos, Vice-Rector for Research and Lifelong Learning
- Stavros Nikolopoulos, Vice-Rector for Finance, Planning and Development
- Anastasios Tsinas, Chairman of the Inclusion Council
- Anna Batistatou, Professor at the Department of Medicine
- Vasilis Koulouras, Professor at the Department of Medicine
- Charalambos Milionis, Professor at the Department of Medicine
- Konstantinos Kostikas, Assoc. Professor at the Department of Medicine
- Evangelia Ntzani, Assoc. Professor at the Department of Medicine
- Stavroula Tsiara, Assoc. Professor at the Department of Medicine
- Ekavi Vamvetsou, Head of the Health Care Office
The Secretary of the Rector’s Council, Mrs. Panorea Tsakiri was appointed as the secretary of the Com-mittee.
2. Duties of the Committee:
- The Covid-19 University Committee is in charge for the safe function of the Institution following the guidelines published by the State. In addition, the Committee supervises the safe manage-ment of suspected cases at the University of Ioannina.
- The Dean of the School, or the Head of the Faculty/Department appoints personnel in charge for the management of suspected cases of Covid-19, who are in close collaboration with the Covid-19 University Committee.
3. COVID-19 Committee Contact Information:
Email: mpasxop@uoi.gr, evamvets@uoi.gr, prytsym@uoi.gr, prytania@uoi.gr
T. (+30) 2651007319, 2651005646, 2651007112, 2651007446
SMS: at 6944604745
4. The Covid-19 University Committee trains the departmental personnel in charge of Covid-19 to identify promptly the covid-19 symptoms. Consequently they inform the members of the Committee on the actions that need to be taken
5. The departmental personnel in charge of covid-19 is in constant collaboration with the Covid-19 University Committee for the prompt management of suspected or confirmed cases of covid-19 at the University of Ioannina
Compatible symptoms with Covid-19
- Fever
- Dry cough
- Difficulty in breathing
- Shiver
- Body aches
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Loss of smell or taste
The symptoms appear 2-14 days after your exposure to the virus (usually 3-7 days). If you have these symptoms, you must not participate in any academic and teaching activity.
IF a member of the university community (student, teaching, administrative staff) appears to have symptoms compatible with Covid-19:
- If this person is at the University area, they should wear a mask (if not already) and should leave the campus, after having informed the University Body where they belong (Administration, Department). It is strongly recommended to avoid using public transport.
- If their condition is critical and cannot leave the campus:
- Inform the person in charge of COVID-19
- Self-isolation, at a specific well-ventilated area, keeping distance from colleagues and students
- Wear a mask
- Call the Ambulance
IF a suspected case of Covid-19 appears at the Dormitories or Student Areas
- Keep hand and respiratory hygiene (wash the hands, cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or flexed elbow).
- Personal protective equipment for the staff handling the case (surgical mask, gloves, antiseptic, protective, water-proof robe and face shield in case there is a spread of germs and microbes)
WHEN the suspected case of covid is isolated from the University area and facilities
- Cleaning and disinfection of the area with the use of protective equipment. Cleaning and disinfecting the surfaces applying chlorine diluted 1:10 with ethyl alcohol
- Medical evaluation and examination of the person who is suspected to be infected by covid-19 at the Emergency Department of the Hospital. If necessary, a viral test should be conducted.
- During the test results the person (student, staff) stays isolated with appropriate home care, in a single, well-ventilated room, while the Department or Administration keeps operating regularly (https://eody.gov.gr/neos-koronoios-covid-19-odigies-gia-frontida-ypoptoy-kroysmatos-sto-spiti/)
IF the test proves to be positive:
- The person infected immediately informs the person in charge of Covid-19 at their Department, mentioning any possible contacts (colleagues, students at the amphitheater or laboratory, library, etc)
- The COVID-19 Committee of the University of Ioannina is informed in order to conduct an epidemiological investigation and contact tracing (members of the university community) in collaboration with the National Public Health Organization (NPHO). The contact tracing is consolidated and approved by the Legal Office of the University of Ioannina, keeping the GDPR guidelines based on public interest.
- The COVID-19 Committee of the University of Ioannina in collaboration with the National Public health Organization makes an assessment of the hazard and decides on the precaution measures against the spread of the virus, which could include:
- Shut down of the classes, buildings or Faculties
- Disinfection of the area
- Viral tests to all possible contacts of the case
- Self-isolation (quarantine) at home
WHEN the infected member of the university community or suspected to having been exposed to high risk contacts, returns to the University
The student or any other member positive to covid-19 can return to the University after 10 days since the beginning of the symptoms and after 3 days since their complete recovery from fever (without taking antipyretic drugs) and symptoms.
Possible contacts of the case will be isolated from the area, under constructions for close surveillance of their health. They can return to their post only after the covid-test is negative.
In addition, isolation of students or staff of the same or other Faculty, Department or Lab, Administration etc. should be examined per se, according to the risk hazard resulting from the contact tracing.
Finally, an electronic record of the University cases is created. The record is classified as “top secret” following the rules of the Rectorate confidentiality protocol.
Teaching staff returning from abroad-Erasmus students
The teaching staff returning from abroad and the Erasmus students must have a negative covid-test taken at least 72 hours before entering the country. Otherwise they must take a test upon their arrival. Should the test result be negative they return to their university posts.
IN case the covid-19 test proves to be negative
The student or member of the university community can return to their post after 24 hours since their complete recovery from fever (without taking antipyretic drugs) and symptoms.
Contact-contact tracing
- Students and members of the university community can contact the COVID-19 Committee to request information on queries and issues only related to Covid-19
- The contact tracing is conducted in collaboration with the Local Civil Protection Office and the National Public health Organization.
COVID-19 Committee Contact Information:
Email: mpasxop@uoi.gr, evamvets@uoi.gr, prytsym@uoi.gr, prytania@uoi.gr
T. (+30) 2651007319, 2651005646, 2651007112, 2651007446
SMS: at 6944604745
Additional actions taken by the University of Ioannina
- An update report of the contact tracing results of students and teaching staff is submitted to the NPHO, in order to be taken all the necessary precautions.
- A new test is requested from the students who stay at the Student Residence
Published on: 21-Oct, 2020
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Additional Info
Editor: Directorate of International and Public Relations
Addressed to: Everyone